Within the scope of the 18th Mediterranean Games, which will be held in Oran, Algeria between 25 June and 5 July 2022, an information meeting was held by the Turkish Anti-Doping Commission for senior executives in the organization of the Mediterranean Games.
At the information meeting held on February 5, 2022, the President of the Algeria Anti-Doping Organization Prof. Dr. Mekacher Lamine Redoune, Chairman of the Anti-Doping Commission, Dr. Hamlaoui Hakima, Oran Mediterranean Games Health and Anti-Doping Commission President Dr. Boudaa Abdenacer, Oran Mediterranean Games Organizing Commission Secretary General Maatallah Abdelkader, Food and Hygiene Safety Commission President Prof. Dr. Fouatih Zoubir participated.
WADA Sports Movement Relations Manager Valentin Capelli and WADA Africa Regional Manager Sameh Elray attended the information meeting organized with the support of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
At the meeting, Director General of the Turkish Anti-Doping Commission Prof. Dr. Rüştü Güner informed the participants about the Anti-Doping Activities in Turkey from past to present and the Mediterranean Games experiences. At the information meeting, it was decided that the Turkish Anti-Doping Commission would organize an “Online Doping Control Officer Training Seminar” for the Algeria Anti-Doping Organization at the end of February.