Before the 19th Mediterranean Games, in the city of Oran, Algeria, Turkish Anti-Doping Commission Legal Affairs Specialist & Algeria Education Coordinator Simge Bilge Karakaş talked about the “Results Management” process for the participants of the Mediterranean Games International Committee (ICMG) Ethics Commission.
The training was given in a hybrid format between 18:00 and 19:30 in Oran, Algeria on 23 June 2022. The Chairman of the Ethics Commission of the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games (ICMG) Prof. Francesco Purromuto, Commissioner Polivios Panayides, Algerian Anti-Doping Commission representative Azzedine Oumoussa, Mediterranean Games International Committee Health and Anti-Doping Commission Chairman Zakia Bartagi participated to the training. The Q&A session was moderated by World Anti-Doping Agency Africa Office Manager Sameh Elray, with the participation of Sports Movement Relations Manager Valentin Capelli and Results Management Senior Advisor Volker Hesse.