The theoretical part of the Doping Control Officer training, which lasted for 4 days on February 26-27 and March 5-6, 2022, was completed.
Before the 19th Mediterranean Games, which is planned to be held in Oran, Algeria, between June 25 and July 5 this year, an online training was organized by the Turkish Anti-Doping Commission for Doping Control Officer candidates who will take part in the Games within the scope of anti-doping activities.
In the training attended by 51 Doping Control Officer candidates, comprehensive information was given by the Turkish Anti-Doping Commission personnel.
The training was held in French with the participation of 4 Turkish-French simultaneous translators.
Last year, after the Doping Control Officer Trainer Training organized online for the first time in this field by the Turkish Anti-Doping Commission for the Central Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organization (RADOCA), this year, upon the request of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), a comprehensive online Doping Control Officer training was planned by the Turkish Anti-Doping Commission for the Algeria Anti-Doping Organization.
Following the completion of the theoretical online training, the practical training will be held in Algeria in May.